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  • Reporter: Nicholas McConnaughay
  • Resume: My seventh novel Lunacy's Dance is now available on Amazon for Kindle and Paperback.



genre: Animation, Thriller

runtime: 1H, 50 Minutes

Description: The Primus extracts a Mixed Yuan Bead into a spirit bead and a demon bead. The spirit bead can be reincarnated in human to help King Zhou establish a new dynasty, the demon bead will create a devil and harm human. Ne Zha is the one who should be spirit bead hero but he becomes a devil incarnate, because the spirit bead and the demon bead is switched

director: Yu Yang

Mo Han, Yanting Lü

Watch online njandukalude nattil oridavela. FANDOM Edit Tab A petite and playful facade conceals this frame's immense power. This is Nezha, the protector, the quick. Feel the heat, Tenno. Nezha is a burning thing, and he makes a fiery ring. Release Date: December 16th, 2015 Blazing across the crimson skies, the empyreal vanguard Nezha invokes sacred fire through his Universe Ring. Invigorate and protect friends by bestowing life and energy. Ignite and impale foes upon inferno pyres, to purge the System with his divine flames. Nezha forged a path of flame in Update 18. 1. Manufacturing Requirements 25, 000 1 Time: 72 hrs Rush: 50 Market Price: 275 Blueprint Price: 35, 000 Neuroptics 15, 000 2, 100 4, 500 Time: 12 hrs Rush: 25 Chassis 2 3, 200 600 Systems 5, 000 4, 200 Tenno Lab Research Blueprint • 5, 000 Prereq: N/A Neuroptics • 1, 500 10, 000 1, 000 500 Prereq: Nezha Chassis • 1, 500 Systems • 1, 500 x1 x3 x10 x30 x100 Acquisition As of Update 19, Nezha's blueprint can be purchased from the Tenno Research Lab interface in the Clan Dojo once it has been researched. It costs ‍ 35, 000 to replicate (purchase) the main blueprint and ‍ 15, 000 for each component blueprint for a total of ‍ 80, 000. Blueprints are no longer tradable. Previously the main blueprint itself was purchasable from the Market for ‍ 100, 000 and all component blueprints were acquired through the Sortie. Trivia Nezha is the third Warframe that was first introduced as a timed exclusive to Warframe China, after Excalibur Umbra and Wukong. In Chinese folklore, Nezha is known as a protection deity and is the third son of Li Jing. He is also known by his title of "Third Lotus Prince", which was bestowed on him following his deification, and his Taoist name of "Marshal of the Central Altar". The Warframe's androgynous appearance is a nod to the deity's youthful appearance, which belied his reputation as a trickster. To clear out any confusion regarding this, Digital Extremes has stated that the Warframe is male. [1] The rings that adorn the Warframe's body (and are used for some of his abilities) are also references to Nezha's lore; Nezha appears in Journey to the West, under the command of his father Li Jing. In the story, Li Jing's troops (among other forces) are summoned to fight Sun Wukong after the latter rebels against the Jade Emperor. Nezha is among those Wukong defeats after a three-day long battle, but the two befriend each other and Nezha would assist Wukong and his friends during their travels. Prior to Update 19. 0, Nezha's component blueprints were obtained via Sortie rewards. Furthermore Nezha was the first and only non- Prime Warframe whose component part blueprints could be traded between players. Since the update trading is no longer possible. The quote "Nezha is a burning thing, and he makes a fiery ring. " from Nezha's profile video is a quote from Johnny Cash 's song, Ring of Fire. References Passive Nezha slides 60% faster and goes 35% farther. These effects stack with   Cunning Drift,   Maglev and   Streamlined Form. Abilities Expand All ENERGY 25 KEY 1   Fire Walker Blaze a trail of flames, scorching enemies and cleansing allies. Teleporting blasts the landing area with a ring of fire. Strength: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 (damage per second) 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250 (explosion damage) Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 s (buff duration) 5 / 6 / 7. 5 / 10 s (flame duration) Range: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 m (explosion radius) Misc: 15% / 15% / 20% / 25% (speed bonus) 100% (flame trail status cleanse) ENERGY 25 KEY 2   Blazing Chakram Hurl a flaming ring that sets enemies ablaze making them vulnerable to any damage. Flaming enemies drop Restorative Orbs on death. Charge to amplify the power of the ring, and reactivate to instantly travel to the ring's location. Strength: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (damage) 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 (boosted damage) 60% / 75% / 85% / 100% (vulnerability) Duration: 10 / 11 / 13 / 15 s Range: N/A Misc: 50% / 65% / 80% / 100% (health orb chance) 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% (energy orb chance) 30 m (uncharged throw distance) 70 m (charged throw distance) ENERGY 75 KEY 3   Warding Halo Create a protective ring of fire, that also stuns and damage enemies who get too close. Strength: 500 / 650 / 800 / 1000 (base health) 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 (damage per second) 1. 15x / 1. 25x / 1. 75x / 2. 50x (armor multiplier) 2. 5x (absorption multiplier) Duration: N/A Range: 1. 25 / 1. 5 / 1. 75 / 2 m Misc: 3 s (invulnerability duration) ENERGY 100 KEY 4   Divine Spears Impale nearby enemies on spears that erupt from the below. Activate again to slam surviving enemies back into the ground. Strength: 150 / 300 / 450 / 600 (impale damage) 150 / 300 / 450 / 600 (slam damage) Duration: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s Range: 10 / 13 / 16 / 19 m Collapse All Strength Mods Duration Mods Range Mods Input table not loaded. Javascript Not loaded Result table not loaded. Javascript Not loaded Edit Tab Update 27. 2 Armor Change: Nezha: 175 to 190 Why: The conversation surrounding Arcane Guardian led to a significant review of Armor stats on Warfarmes. The Majority of Warframes received an increase in the Armor stat to increase survivability. Compounded with Shield Gating and the numerous other changes covered, we expect a much more fair feeling playing field for all Warframes. Update 27. 1 Fixed ability to escape the Grineer Settlement tileset level bounds via Nezha’s Blazing Chakram. Hotfix 27. 0. 9 Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram not working correctly for Clients when charged. Fixed Nezha’s FX not properly working on ragdolled enemies. Hotfix 25. 7. 4 Fixed Nezha’s Pyroclastic Flow Augment kicked fire remaining indefinitely and damaging allies when Nezha dies and respawns. Update 25. 7 Added Arsenal Ability videos for Nezha! Fixed Nezha’s Blazing Chakram ability counting towards Fire Accuracy stats. Fixed the quiver of the Daikyu clipping inside Nezha. Hotfix 25. 6. 3 Fixed the second “kick” of Nezha’s Pyroclastic Flow Augment not having any FX, making it appear to not function correctly. Update 24. 6 Nezha’s Warding Halo Safeguard Augment now takes yourself into priority consideration before others. Meaning that Warding Halo will be cast on yourself as opposed to your allies regardless of if you’re aiming at them. Hotfix 23. 8. 2 Changed Nezha’s Fire Walker to only ‘hop’ when cast while on the floor. Fixed another crash from casting Nezha’s Warding Halo ability. Fixed a crash when casting Nezha’s Divine Spears ability. Hotfix 23. 1 Fixed a crash when casting and teleporting with Nezha’s Blazing Chakram ability. Fixed a crash when casting Nezha’s Warding Halo ability. Update 23. 8 NEZHA REVISITED [DE]Pablo has been working hard on tweaks, with two primary goals in mind: Making Nezha feel smoother and more fluid in gameplay Increasing Nezha’s power overall by giving him added team support value and internal synergies With that said, let’s break down the changes in order! Increased max rank health from 225 to 375 Decreased max rank shields from 225 to 150 FIRE WALKER Changed from a channeling ability to duration-based. Why? As a channeled ability, keeping Firewalker active would block all energy regeneration. Making the ability a single cast with a long moddable duration solves that problem, encouraging more frequent use. Teleporting will no longer cancel Fire Walker. Cast animation changed to a small hop that doesn’t restrict movement. BLAZING CHAKRAM Cast animation has been sped up, and no longer restricts movement. Enemies hit by the disc are “marked” for a moddable duration, greatly increasing the damage they take from all sources. Marked enemies have a chance to drop energy orbs. Why? Adds great team value to Nezha’s kit - increasing damage taken helps all allies, and energy orb drops enable frequent recasting. Killing enemies while they are marked will now produce healing orbs, instead of the current healing pulse. Why? The current radial heal is invisible and very small, usually only benefitting players in melee range - most players don’t even know it’s there! Health orbs make the result more visible, while introducing other mod synergies. Increased the number of targets the disc will try to hit before recalling, and improved some cases of faulty lock-on targeting. Slight improvements to Blazing Chakram’s enemy tracking. Added a charged throw, causing the Chakram to fly straight forwards and backwards, dealing extra damage to enemies in its path. Why? For a consistent flight path unaffected by lock-on targeting, use the new charged throw. Great for hallways! WARDING HALO HUD now shows a custom counter, indicating how much damage absorption is left, instead of a simple numeric percentage Warding Halo now only blocks 90% of damage taken. Will still block status effects and other procs. Why? When considering Nezha’s revamped kit, he is excellent at mitigating enemy damage - Firewalker and Divine Spears offer great area/crowd control, Blazing Chakram offers healing and self-sustain, and his outstanding movement can make the player a hard target to hit. In this context, Warding Halo’s 100% damage resistance was completely overshadowing his other options - why heal or CC when I never take any damage? With 90% damage resistance, Nezha is still very capable of tanking, but encouraged to rely on his other tools to avoid getting overwhelmed. Taking minimal health damage allows for synergy with Blazing Chakram’s health orbs, not to mention new modding avenues like Equilibrium, Health Conversion and various Arcanes. The change also allows us to improve survivability in other ways, such as the increased health pool, and major Warding Halo quality-of-life buffs listed below. Damage absorption invulnerability phase now begins as soon as you cast the ability. Cast animation also sped up. Increased incoming damage multiplier during invulnerability. Damage absorption multiplier also now scales with power strength. When the health of the Warding Halo runs out, it will do an AoE heat status effect and give you a short period of invulnerability. Why? This gives the player precious time to react, helping survivability while controlling the enemies immediately around you. Your next Warding Halo can be recast during this window to ensure you’re always protected! Players will receive a HUD icon indicating the Health of a Safeguard Halo they received from Nezha. (Brief aside: as a Nezha main, I was originally skeptical of the 90% damage resistance change, and I suspect many readers will be skeptical too. However, playing the rework myself quickly changed my mind. The various buffs really outweigh the negatives, making Nezha much more capable in a supporting crowd-controller role. If you doubt just how potent 90% damage resistance can be, try out Gara’s Splinter Storm at 130% or more power strength! ) DIVINE SPEARS Sped up the casting/slamming animations, while removing the mandatory slam at the end of the Spears’ duration. (slam can still be triggered manually) Hitting a speared enemy with Blazing Chakram produces a second Chakram, which fires at a nearby enemy. On top of all that, Nezha’s sounds have been remastered, adding new auditory cues for important moments, like Blazing Chakrams returning to the player, or Warding Halos running out of health! Update 23. 0 Fixed Nezha's Warding Halo damaging ragdolled enemies impaled by Divine Spears at a much higher hit per interval than intended. Update 22. 20 Fixed Nezha's Halo ring not physically being thrown when equipped with a TennoGen Skin. Update 22. 19 Fixed Nezha's Reaping Chakram damage not getting doubled for every enemy hit for Clients.  Hotfix 22. 17. 4 Fixed Nezha getting stuck in 'Power In Use' if downed while throwing Blazing Chakram. Hotfix 22. 3 Augment: Blazing Chakram -   Reaping Chakram Increased Nezha's Blazing Chakram base Damage to 250. Ability Strength Mods now affect both Health restore and Damage (previously was just Health). Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram not displaying a Damage stat in the Arsenal. Update 21. 0 Fixed various Syandana clipping issues through Nezha's back. Hotfix 20. 5. 2 Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram getting stuck in the terrain resulting in a perpetual 'Power In Use'. Update 20. 2 Augment: Fire Walker -   Pyroclastic Flow Update 20. 0 Fixed an issue with the flashing reticule hitmaker during Vauban's Vortex, and Nezha's Blazing Chakram and Warding Halo. Update 19. 13 Fixed being able to use Nezha's Blazing Chakram to bypass nerves, doors, and barrier in The Jordas Verdict. Hotfix 19. 3 Fixed a script error with Nezha's Divine Spears when the initial spear damage kills an enemy which causes an explosion (e. g. Volatile Runner) that kills Nezha. Hotfix 19. 4 Fixed drifting idles for Frost Noble and Nezha Noble idles. Update 19. 0 Nezha Parts have moved to the Tenno Lab in player Dojos. Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram allowing access to unintended areas in The Jordas Verdict. Fixed some enemies being able to apply a Status Effect through invulnerability abilities such as Rhino's Iron Skin and Nezha's Warding Halo. Hotfix: Recurring Dreams 3 Fixed a script error when casting Nezha's Divine Spears ability. Update: The Silver Grove Augment: Warding Halo -   Safeguard Update: Specters of the Rail Fixed certain weapon holsters clipping through Nezha's back. Fixed the FX of Warding Halo applying to nearby allies. Update 18. 13 Fixed weapon holsters clipping through Nezha's back. Update 18. 12 Fixed Warding Halo ability appearing while aiming with a Sniper Rifle. Update 18. 8 Fixed Blazing Chakram repeatably knocking down Ambulas. Update 18. 5 Divine Spears will no longer pin or ragdoll boss-type enemies. Fixed Nezha's secondary weapon floating out of hand when in his Noble Animation idle. Fixed Atlas' Landslide not functioning on enemies impaled by Divine Spears. Fixed enemies improperly ragdolling when impaled by Divine Spears. Hotfix 18. 4. 7 Fixed Excalibur's Radial Javelin not functioning against enemies that have been impaled on Divine Spear. Update 18. 3 Fixed Fire walker not properly cleansing debuffs from Clients. Update 18. 2 Adjustments were made to Warding Halo FX to help combat some reported cases of motion sickness. Hotfix 18. 1. 3 Warding Halo will now be more responsive to enemies entering its radius, damaging them immediately. Blazing Chakram teleport now costs no energy. Fixed Divine Spear not properly impaling enemies with Auras that prevent status effects. Fixed an error causing Divine Spears to spawn with improper collision, deflecting bullets. Fixed Nezha's sash visual FX remaining visible when aiming as a Client. Hotfix 18. 2 Fixed Nezha's Base Blueprint being Tradeable. This can be purchased in the Market for Credits and was not meant to be tradeable. Fixed Clients not seeing the proper energy color on Nezha's Ring. Update 18. 1 Introduced. Images Videos Warframe Profile - Nezha WARFRAME - Nezha Revisited Millions of Damage Warframe - Nezha Warframe Nezha, The Boy on Fire therundown Warframe Nezha's Exilus Ignition Build - 2 Forma thesnapshot Warframe Nezha's Fiery Ring 4 Forma HOW TO NEZHA - Feel the Heat Update 18. 1 Warframe Warframe Nezha Setup - 4x Forma (U19. 2) Warframes Released Ash ( Ash Prime) • Atlas ( Atlas Prime) • Banshee ( Banshee Prime) • Baruuk • Chroma ( Chroma Prime) • Ember ( Ember Prime) • Equinox ( Equinox Prime) • Excalibur ( Excalibur Prime, Excalibur Umbra, Excalibur Umbra Prime) • Frost ( Frost Prime) • Gara • Garuda • Gauss • Grendel • Harrow • Hildryn • Hydroid ( Hydroid Prime) • Inaros • Ivara • Khora • Limbo ( Limbo Prime) • Loki ( Loki Prime) • Mag ( Mag Prime) • Mesa ( Mesa Prime) • Mirage ( Mirage Prime) • Nekros ( Nekros Prime) • Nezha • Nidus • Nova ( Nova Prime) • Nyx ( Nyx Prime) • Oberon ( Oberon Prime) • Octavia • Revenant • Rhino ( Rhino Prime) • Saryn ( Saryn Prime) • Titania • Trinity ( Trinity Prime) • Valkyr ( Valkyr Prime) • Vauban ( Vauban Prime) • Volt ( Volt Prime) • Wisp • Wukong ( Wukong Prime) • Zephyr ( Zephyr Prime) Upcoming Protea Attributes • Augments • Compare All • Cosmetics Languages: Deutsch Español Français Português Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.


Eng sub please😭. You do not know me. That right there. Jolie owns that role. Powerful. Can't wait to watch. Love from Papua New Guinea.

Nezha movie 2019 watch online free

I feel like they made the dora movie based on robot chicken clips of dora. In English please. The original title for 8 was: Whitey the blue eyed-devil gets smoked. I thought this was a lesbian. Watch Online. Watch Free Ne Zha Watch Online Full Free 2018 Ne Zha movie youtube, Ne free OnLinE watch. Nezha Eng voice actor eascanor VA. YouTube. 12 wins & 5 nominations. See more awards » Videos Learn more More Like This Animation | Action Adventure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 / 10 X A love story between a snake spirit and a snake hunter. Directors: Amp Wong, Ji Zhao Stars: Vincent Rodriguez III, Stephanie Sheh, Faye Mata 7. 1 / 10 In bustling human world, various of goblins live peacefully with mankind. Luo Xiao-Hei, the cat demon, begins his journey of wandering because his forest home is destroyed. With sympathetic... See full summary » Director: Mtjj Youji Wang Drama History 6. 4 / 10 An anthology film consist of 7 short stories directed by several different directors, which are based on 7 moments since the founding of People's Republic of China. Bo Huang, Qianyuan Wang, Hao Ou 6. 8 / 10 The all-powerful Monkey King once roamed freely between Heaven and Earth, but after angering the gods, he was imprisoned within an ice cage deep within the mountains. Five hundred years... See full summary » Tian Xiao Peng Lei Zhang, Zijie Lin, Wenlun Wu Crime Romance 7. 5 / 10 A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, all while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations. Derek Tsang Dongyu Zhou, Jackson Yee, Fang Yin 6 / 10 When the windshield of his commercial airplane shatters at 30, 000 feet in the air, a pilot and his flight crew work to ensure the safety of the passengers and land the plane. Andrew Lau Hanyu Zhang, Hao Ou, Jiang Du Comedy 7. 9 / 10 A story on how a small drug store owner became the exclusive selling agent of a cheap Indian generic drug against Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in China. Muye Wen Zheng Xu, Yiwei Zhou, Chuan-jun Wang 7. 2 / 10 A young man who lives in Xiaoyanggang dreams of martyrdom, but he is blind and can only sneak into the market by swindling. One day, Rakshasa attacked Xiaoyanggang, and his mother, who was... See full summary » 5. 2 / 10 The four members of the China Everest Climbing Commando confront the most difficult mount. The first four failures have cost them too much physical strength until the wind and snow stop the gap. Daniel Lee Jing Wu, Ziyi Zhang, Boran Jing Sci-Fi As the sun is dying out, people all around the world build giant planet thrusters to move Earth out of its orbit and sail Earth to a new star system. Yet the 2500-year journey comes with unexpected dangers, and in order to save humanity, a group of young people in this age of a wandering Earth fight hard for the survival of humankind. Frant Gwo Chuxiao Qu, Guangjie Li 5. 7 / 10 As Ivan plans to go to America for work purposes, his plans are foiled when he decides to follow his mother on a train to Moscow. Zheng Xu Quan Yuan, Bing Jia Sport 6. 3 / 10 An old-time racing champion tries to come back to the race track. Han Han Teng Shen, Johnny Huang, Zheng Yin Edit Storyline The Primus extracts a Mixed Yuan Bead into a spirit bead and a demon bead. The spirit bead can be reincarnated in human to help King Zhou establish a new dynasty, the demon bead will create a devil and harm human. Ne Zha is the one who should be spirit bead hero but he becomes a devil incarnate, because the spirit bead and the demon bead is switched. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: I am the destiny (Australia/New Zealand/UK/Ireland) See more » Details Release Date: 26 July 2019 (China) Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $1, 015, 755, 1 September 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $726, 063, 471 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia The story can be recognized as a rewritten tale based on the 16th-century Chinese novel "Investiture of the Gods" (Fengshen yanyi). This novel tells the stories of Chinese gods from thousands of years before. The novel itself is based on Chinese folk legends. See more » Connections Version of Legend of Nezha See more ».

Awesome 3D movie. Overlong and struggles to transcend the mythology surrounding it. The animation is gorgeous, but the film was a bit of a disappointment. Him/her is a prince by the way, so i'm pretty sure it is a guy. Nezha Nezha in Fengshen Yanyi Chinese 哪吒 Transcriptions Standard Mandarin Hanyu Pinyin Nézhā / Nuózhā [1] Wade–Giles Ne 2 -cha 1 / No 2 -cha 1 IPA [nɤ̌ʈʂá] / [nwǒʈʂá] Yue: Cantonese Jyutping Naa4-zaa1 Southern Min Hokkien POJ Lô-chhia Nezha (哪吒) is a protection deity in Chinese folk religion. His official Taoist name is "Marshal of the Central Altar" ( 中壇元帥). He was then given the title "Third Lotus Prince" ( 蓮花三太子) after he became a deity. Origins [ edit] According to Meir Shahar, Nezha is ultimately based on two figures from Hindu mythology. The first is a yaksha from the Ramayana named Nalakubar, the son of Yaksha King Kubera and nephew of the antagonist Ravana. The link to Nalakubar is established through variants in his Chinese name appearing in Buddhist sutras. The original variant Naluojiupoluo ( 那羅鳩婆羅) changed to Naluojubaluo ( 捺羅俱跋羅), Nazhajuwaluo ( 那吒矩韈囉), and finally Nazha ( 那吒). The simple addition of the " mouth radical " ( 口) to Na ( 那) changes the name to the current form Nezha ( 哪吒). The second figure is the child god Krishna. Both Krishna and Nezha are powerful children that defeat mighty serpents, Kaliya in the case of the former and Ao Bing in the latter. The Bhagavata Purana describes how Nalakubar was rescued from imprisonment within a tree by Krishna. A 10th-century Tantric Buddhist sutra mentions a child god that seems to be an amalgam of Krishna and Nalakubar called Nana ( 那拏). In addition, Nalakubar's father Kubera was eventually absorbed into the Buddhist pantheon as the Heavenly King Vaiśravaṇa. Shahar notes that Vaisravana was somehow connected to the historical Tang Dynasty general Li Jing. This explains the name and position of Nezha's father, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing. [2] Story [ edit] According to Fengshen Yanyi, Nezha was born during the Shang dynasty in a military fortress at Chentang Pass. His father was a military commander named Li Jing, who later became the "Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King". Nezha's mother, Lady Yin, gave birth to a ball of flesh after being pregnant with him for three years and six months. Li Jing thought that his wife had given birth to a demon and attacked the ball with his sword. The ball split open and Nezha jumped out as a boy instead of an infant. Nezha could speak and walk immediately after birth. He was later accepted by the immortal Taiyi Zhenren as a student. He had two older brothers, Jinzha, a disciple of Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, and Muzha. One day, the people of Chentang Pass asked for rain, and sacrificed much food to the East Sea Dragon King Ao Guang. The King rejected the food, instead wanting girls and boys to eat. He sent Ye Sha to capture for him a girl and boy. Nezha and two other children were playing by the sea when Ye Sha appeared and captured one of Nezha's friends. Nezha then fought him and injured him severely, causing him to return to the King and beg for someone else to take care of Nezha. The Dragon King sent Ao Bing, his third son, but the latter was slain by Nezha. Ao Guang called for his brothers and confronted Nezha and his family. He threatened to flood Chentang Pass and report Nezha to the Jade Emperor. To save his family and the people, Nezha committed suicide himself then carving up his own flesh and dismembering his bones "returning" these to his parents in repayment for the debt of his birth. The Dragon Kings then hosted a huge celebration. After Nezha had committed suicide to return his body to his parents, he appeared in his mother's dream. In the dream, he asked her to build a temple for him, so that his soul would have a place to rest. This constitutes a link to Nezha's birth because the night before Nezha was born, Lady Yin had a dream where a Taoist put something into her bosom and told her to take this child. For both incidences, a dream was used to communicate a message. His mother then secretly built a temple for Nezha and this temple later flourished. This temple became very well known and grew vastly because Nezha granted miracle cures to the sick and the crippled. However, Li Jing soon found out about this temple and burnt it down because he was still angry at Nezha and felt that he had already caused too much trouble for their family. Li Jing burning the temple caused Nezha to desire his father's death. Thus, enmity between father and son grew. Nezha was later brought back to life by his teacher, Taiyi Zhenren, who used lotus roots to construct a human body for his soul and gave him two new weapons: the Wind Fire Wheels ( 風火輪) and the Fire-tipped Spear ( 火尖槍). With the reincarnation of Nezha by his master, Li Jing and Nezha fought many battles. However, Li Jing soon realized that his mortal body was no match for Nezha and so he ran for his life. On the run, he met his second son, Muzha, who fought and was defeated by Nezha. At this, Li Jing tried to commit suicide but was saved by Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, who also contained Nezha. In the end, Nezha was forced to submit to his father by another deity, Randeng Daoren. Nezha is often depicted as a youth, instead of an adult. He is often shown flying in the sky riding on the Wind Fire Wheels ( 風火輪), has the Universe Ring ( 乾坤圈) around his body (sometimes in his left hand), the Red Armillary Sash ( 浑天绫) around his shoulders and a Fire-tipped Spear ( 火尖槍) in his right hand. Sometimes, he is shown in his "three heads and six arms" form ( 三頭六臂). He has the ability to spit rainbows in some legends. In mythology and literature [ edit] Nezha has frequently appeared in Chinese mythology and ancient Chinese literature such as Fengshen Yanyi (or Investiture of the Gods), although the story of Nezha conquering the sea is the most well known among Chinese households. In Journey to the West, Nezha was a general under his father, "Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King" Li Jing. He fought the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, when the latter rebelled against the Jade Emperor. They became friends later. [3] Nezha made some appearances in the novel to help the four protagonists defeat powerful demons including his adoptive sister - Lady Earth Flow. Nezha in other media [ edit] Film and television [ edit] Nezha as a Google Doodle on Google Hong Kong. Nezha has been the central character in over 20 different films and television programs, [4] both live-action and animated, dating back at least as early as a pre-communist Chinese live-action feature film, Nézhā Chūshì ( Chinese: 哪吒出世; literally: 'Birth of Nezha'), produced by the Great Wall Film Company and premiered, according to differing accounts, in either 1927 [5] or 1928. [6] In addition he has appeared as a supporting character in numerous others, chiefly among the many adaptations of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West. The character increased in popularity in 1979 with the traditionally-animated feature film Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, which was screened at the 1980 Cannes Film Festival and is considered one of the great classic works of Chinese animation. On 30 May 2014, Google paid homage to this film with an animated doodle on their Hong Kong search engine's homepage. [7] In 2003, China Central Television began the broadcast of a new children's traditionally-animated series The Legend of Ne Zha, [8] which originally ran from 2003 to 2004, for a total of 52 episodes. [9] [10] In 2016, a stereoscopic, computer-animated feature film, I Am Nezha, was released in China. [11] On 26 July 2019, another stereoscopic, computer-animated feature film, (Chinese: 哪吒之魔童降世; pinyin: Nézhā zhī mó tóng jiàng shì; literally: 'The devil child Nezha came into the world')was more successful, setting numerous all-time records for box-office grosses, including third-highest-grossing of all films in China and highest-grossing animated film from outside the United States. A comment from says, Based on the previous work, the film is bold and innovative, which not only retains the essence of Chinese traditional culture, but also adds popular elements, making the culture to be displayed more easily accepted by the audience. It breaks the stereotype, emphasises self independence, and gives consideration to the reality with metaphor. There are many scenes which reflect on the secular and ugly sides of the society in the film. Compared with the truth, many people are more willing to believe in hearsay and then look at people with coloured glasses. Ne Zha, a rebellious superhero, though seemingly rebellious to tradition, still retain the most positive passion and moving, still have the value orientation of Chinese culture of dedication and responsibility. [12] A 2017 announcement from the leadership of Hasbro confirmed that Nezha will appear in a crossover with the Transformers franchise. [13] The series, titled Nezha: Transformers, consists of 52 11-minute episodes and is produced by Allspark Animation and China Central Television. [14] The character has also been evoked outside of the fantasy genre, in realistic contemporary and period drama films as a byword for a rebellious, nonconformist young person, such as in Rebels of the Neon God ( Chinese: 青少年哪吒; pinyin: Qīngshàonián Nézhā; literally: 'Adolescent Nezha', 1992), [15] Spin Kid ( Chinese: 電哪吒; pinyin: Diàn Nézhā; literally: 'Electric Nezha', 2011), [16] Nezha ( Chinese: 少女哪吒; pinyin: Shàonǚ Nézhā; literally: 'Girl Nezha', 2014) [17] and Operation Mekong (2016, in which a character is codenamed Nezha). Video games [ edit] Ne Zha is a playable character in the multiplayer online battle arena video game Smite, where he is a melee assassin. [18] On December 16, 2015, third-person shooter action game Warframe released a playable character named and themed after Nezha. [19] Nezha is also a collectible character in Netmarble's mobile RPG Seven Knights where the character, while depicted as female, retains much of Nezha's mythos and characteristics. [20] Nezha is also a summonable Heroic Spirit in the popular Japanese hero collector game Fate/Grand Order where he can be summoned as a Lancer class Servant. In the game he is depicted as female, who speaks in a short, robotic tone. Nezha is also a summonable Astromon in the Korean creature capture game "Monster Super League" developed by 4:33 and Creative Labs. In the game he is depicted as female. Religion [ edit] Nezha is worshipped in Chinese folk religion and is called "Marshal of the Central Altar" or "Prince Nezha", the "Third Prince". As in traditional folklore, Nezha flies around swiftly on his wind fire wheels, so he is also regarded as the tutelary god of many professional drivers, like trucks, taxis, or sightseeing bus drivers. They tend to place a small statue of Nezha in the vehicles for a safe drive. [21] Nezha is also often regarded as the patron god of children and filial piety. Parents would make offering to Nezha with the hope that their children would grown up strong and healthy, and be imbued with the virtue of filial piety. See also [ edit] Chinese mythology in popular culture Nalakuvara Bala Krishna References [ edit] ^ " 34. 6".. ^ "Nezha's connections to India Deities" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-04-26. ^ "Chen Style Taijiquan Notepad".. ^ ^ 吒出世/15984522 ^ "35th Anniversary of Nezha Conquers the Dragon King". Google Doodle Archive. Google Inc. Retrieved 2014-05-30. ^ Yang, Lihui; An, Deming; Turner, Jessica Anderson (2005). Handbook of Chinese Mythology. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. p. 51. ISBN 1-57607-806-X. ^ Macdonald, Sean (2016). Animation in China: History, Aesthetics, Media. New York: Routledge. p. 227. doi: 10. 4324/9781315675435. ISBN 978-1-315-67543-5. OCLC 911199986. ^ Amidi, Amid (August 16, 2019). "American Audiences Don't Have To Wait Long To See The Chinese Blockbuster Ne Zha In Theaters". Cartoon Brew. Retrieved 27 August 2019. Some of the records it has already set: the highest-grossing Chinese animated feature of all-time, the highest-grossing non-U. S. animated feature of all-time, the third-highest grossing Chinese film of all-time, the highest-grossing animated IMAX feature in China, and the second highest-grossing local language IMAX feature in China. ^ "中美合拍动画片《哪吒与变形金刚》进入实质阶段". ^ "Ne Zha: The Third Lotus Prince". ^ "Warframe: Ring of Fire Update is now live! ". ^ "Nezha". ^ "Associated News". Associated News. Retrieved 15 April 2018.

Please dubbed hindi. Nezha watch online. 01:31 The costume though. What is the great innovation of china mythical!
In my memory. The little naza has appointed hero form he was born,then he fight for truth ythings he did that presented little nazha is so beautiful,people like him, who is it not like real surprise to watch naza editor creature the character whith nazha is so clean from he was born,even if he has presented his mom teach the value to parents protect 's so fortunate to naza for he defeat himself in the end.
what a amazing shout!I control my own life!it not judge by the god!
the anime is chinese series immortal the movie end,naza is dead,I admit it maybe not cool for whom has not study chinese ever,in the chinese immortal story,naza will be regeneration by his master used the lotus makes a body.
as for me,it's outstanding.I hope that Chinese animation will be better and i score it 10.

Watch online nazar. Feeling excited to se ÑÈZHÀ's character after a long time. First time I saw her the java game Apotheosize😃😃😃😃. Watch Online nezha. Mmmm elle fanning. Did i just witnessed GROOT in the Malificent universe.

That last one is gonna be awesome. Thats my kind of film. Why couldnt they have just left Dora alone🤦🏽‍♀️ jeeezzz 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😑. Watch nezha online free. Why does it remind me so much of NARUTO? cause it's a 2 minutes version of it... Before entering the video is an actress with wings and hair in the image do you know which movie they are and who they are. Smite anyone.


. Watch online nazar 12 sep. Watch Online neha. Secret obsession is soooo predictable. I held no expectations when I entered the cinema as I thought it was a movie for kids even though the trailer looked epic with it's animations. However, this movie swept me off my feet! The animations were amazing, the fighting scenes, everything!
Not to mention, it brought me on a emotional rollercoaster, it was super touching, brought me to tears several time, it also made me laugh so hard that I cried. The ending song was marvelous as well. It teaches you about not taking fate as it is, friendship and family.
This was the most epic and best movie I've watched this year and is definitely not to a movie to be missed this 2019!
It caters to all age groups as it was evident that the whole cinema which consisted of young children, teenagers, young adults and the elderly were all very entertained and loved the movie as much as I did.
In one sentence, epic and not to be missed!
looking forward to part 2 in 2020.


Ne*Zha*movie*stream Ne Zha movie watch online free 123movies #NeZha (2018) Full Movie Online. Nice prooo... Ne Zha Summary Title: The Third Lotus Prince Pantheon: Chinese Type: Melee, Physical Class: Assassin Pros: High Single Target Damage, Medium Crowd Control Difficulty: Average Release date: April 17, 2013 Favor: 5, 500 Gems: 200 Voicelines: Ne Zha voicelines Voice actor: Colleen Clinkenbeard Stats Health: 400 (+75) Mana: 200 (+35) Speed: 375 (+0) Range: 12 (+0) Attack/Sec: 1 (+2. 1%) Basic Attack Damage: 39 (+ 2. 2) + 100% of Physical Power Progression: 1/1/1. 5/2x damage and swing time, hitting in an AoE on the final blow Protection Physical: 12 (+2. 9) Magical: 30 (+0. 9) Regen HP5: 10 (+0. 71) MP5: 3. 9 (+0. 27) *Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level "Gain strength through combat. Dive in headfirst and triumph with spear and slash. " Ne Zha is one of the playable Gods in SMITE. Lore [ edit | edit source] Born to innocence, forced to fight, destined to be a hero, the child-god, Nezha, defends those that cannot defend themselves, especially against tyrant Gods. For three and a half years, Nezha's mother carried him in her womb. During this time, the Dragon Gods, led by Ao Kuang, terrorized the people, sending floods and storms, and demanding not just food, but child sacrifices to feast upon as well. Into this world was Nezha born, a full grown boy with laughter in his eyes, trained by the immortal sage Taiyi Zhenren, who gave him the powerful Universe Ring and Armillary Sash. Youthful and carefree, Nezha was also headstrong, often arguing with his father what was right and wrong. But youth does not last forever, and Nezha's life changed defending two friends against a captain of Ao Kuang's army. Insulted, the Dragon God commanded his third son, Ao Bing, to defeat the boy, but in the end, Nehza slew his opponent. Furious with grief, Ao Kuang demanded Nezha's father make reparations for the offense committed by his son, or he would send floods and storms to ravage the land. Nezha, humbly, sacrificed himself to appease the Dragon God, but evil Ao Kuang sent storms anyway. Taiyi Zhenren worked his wisdom, and from the petals of a Lotus plant, Nezha was reborn. The immortal sage gave him new weapons – the Fire Tipped Spear and Wind Fire Wheels – weapons to challenge even the Dragon God and defeat him once and for all. Time has passed since Ao Kuang's ruin, but the winds of war are rising and new Gods of Tyranny challenge the safety of the defenseless. Once again, Nezha will set aside his youth and stand against the tide, for not even death can stop him. Abilities [ edit | edit source] Passive - Righteous Spirit Ne Zha's spirit is strengthened as he successfully hits enemies with abilities and basic attacks. Each hit provides 1 stack and each Critical Hit provides 2 stacks. Stacks reset if Ne Zha has not taken or dealt damage in the last 10s. Notes: Grants 10% Movement Speed at max stacks. Maximum Stacks: 20 Movement Speed: 0. 5% per stack 1st Ability - Universe Ring Toss Ne Zha throws the Universe Ring, bouncing several times, dealing damage, applying a Physical Protection Debuff for 3s and a stacking Slow for 1s. Each hit also stacks a movement speed buff on Ne Zha for 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target deal 35% less damage. Notes: Has a bounce range of 50. Prioritizes targets that haven't been hit. Grants up to 20/25/30/35/40% movement speed. Can potentially reduce up to 30/45/45/60/60 Protections to one target. Damage: 75/100/125/150/175 (+20% of your physical power) Bounces: 4/5/6/7/8 Protections Debuff: 5/7/9/11/13 per hit Slow: 12. 5% per stack (stacks twice) Movement Speed: 5% per hit Ability Type: Projectile Cooldown: 14 seconds Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana Ability Video 2nd Ability - Flaming Spear Ne Zha empowers himself with fighting spirit, igniting his spear for increased Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance for a short duration. Upon activation, Ne Zha is healed depending on how many stacks he currently has from his passive ability, Righteous Spirit. Notes: Can heal up to 15% of Ne Zha's health. Attack Speed: 15/25/35/45/55% Critical Strike Chance: 15% Duration: 4/4. 5/5/5. 5/6s Heal Per Passive Stack:. 75% Ability Type: Buff Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 mana 3rd Ability - Armillary Sash Ne Zha throws out his Armillary Sash hitting the first enemy god in its path. The target is stunned as Ne Zha yanks himself toward the target, dealing a powerful blow to all enemies in the area when he arrives. This ability can Critically Hit. Notes: The critical hits are affected by Deathbringer. There is a short immunity frame while Ne Zha is pulled to his target. The stun isn't affected by diminishing returns. Is considered a leap for gameplay purposes. Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+100% of your physical power) Stun: 1s Ability Type: Projectile, Dash Radius: 10 Cost: 75 mana Ultimate - Wind Fire Wheels Ne Zha dashes forward. If he hits an enemy god, he knocks them skyward for 4s, unleashing a 3-hit combo (successfully timed attacks during the combo result in critical strikes), then smashing them back to Earth in his starting location. This ability hits one initial time upon knockup, the three-hit combo, and then again dealing additional damage to enemies in the radius as he lands for a total of 5 times. Notes: The critical hits are affected by Deathbringer. The timed attacks are performed by basic attacking. Damage per Hit: 20/35/50/65/80 (+40% of your physical power) Damage (Initial/Landing): 50/105/160/215/270 (65% of your physical power) Ability Type: Dash Cooldown: 90 seconds Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana Videos [ edit | edit source] God Reveal [ edit | edit source] Achievements [ edit | edit source] Two's A Crowd As Ne Zha bounce Universe Ring Toss between two enemy gods, hitting each at least twice. Watch This As Ne Zha stun an enemy using Armilary Sash and then ult them. Trivia [ edit | edit source] General [ edit | edit source] Ne Zha was the first god to have basic attack progression. The actress who voiced Ne Zha, Colleen Clinkenbeard, also voiced Arachne, Tormentula Arachne and Modern Mercenary Nemesis. One of Ne Zha's jokes, "Man, my wheels are so hot! ", could be a reference to the toy car brand Hot Wheels. In December of 2015, Ne Zha received a remodel changing his Default, Blue Lotus and Mastery skins. His Cyberpunk skin received minor adjustment to fit into his new rig. Ne Zha's dance emote is a reference to a dance seen in Jet Set Radio Future. God Skins [ edit | edit source] Cyberpunk This skin could be a reference to the Jet Set Radio videogame series. Fire Lord This was the first skin released after Ne Zha was remodeled. This skin is a reference to the movie Tron: Legacy. The actor who voiced this skin, Nazeeh Tarsha, also voiced Molten He Bo and Howler Demon Hun Batz. This skin shares its theme with Hun Batz, Mercury, Ra and Xbalanque. Playmaker This skin is based on a Hockey player. The original concept for this skin was created by Karulox. Dragon Prince The actor who voiced this skin, Alejandro Saab, also voiced Beamy Chibi Ra and The Marksman Rama Rama. Skins [ edit | edit source] Default Release Date Type Standard Cost Free Voicelines In Game Model Blue Lotus 100 or 9500 October 10, 2013 400 Extra Information This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects. September 27, 2016 Fire Lord Ne Zha voicelines August 1, 2017 Exclusive None This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects. This skin can only be obtained by reaching level 25 in the Season Ticket 2017. March 5, 2019 900 (Avalon bundle) Dragon Prince Ne Zha voicelines This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects. This skin was part of the Legend of Camelot event. Golden October 2, 2013 200 or 9500 Requirements God Rank 1 Legendary 300 or 12500 God Rank 5 Diamond August 19, 2014 400 or 15000 God Rank 10 Changelog [ edit | edit source] Smite Version 7. 2. 5895. 5 (February 25, 2020) Universe Ring Toss Decreased protections debuff per hit from 10/11/12/13/14 to 5/7/9/11/13. Wind Fire Wheels Decreased Damage per Hit from 30/50/70/90/110 to 20/35/50/65/80. Increased Physical Power Scaling per hit from 30% to 40%. SMITE Version 6. 9. 5607. 4 (August 20, 2019) Fixed an issue where Ne Zha and Set would land in an unintended location if Set was hit by Wind Fire Wheels while he was teleporting. SMITE Version 6. 8. 5557. 1 (July 24, 2019) Increased Damage Reduction of subsequent hits on the same target from 25% to 35% Decreased Slow from 25% to 12. 5% This effect can now stack up to 2 times SMITE Version 6. 7. 5510. 3 (June 25, 2019) Fixed an issue where the Ring would not bounce to or from certain targets. EG. this should fix the cases where Loki decoy would absorb the Ring. Flaming Spear Fixed an issue where sometimes Ne Zha would fire of an extra basic attack animation based on using Flaming spear. Armillary Sash This ability now applies a Stun with no Diminishing Returns. This means that it should always last the same amount of time, fixing situations where Ne Zha could use Armillary Sash and the target could move out of the way before he reaches the location. This is consistent with specific other Stun effects that have a scripted animation time, eg. Sobek's Charge Prey. Fixed an issue where using this ability on gods who were in the process of being knocked-up would also cause Ne Zha to be in the air on reaching that target. Now Ne Zha will reach the target and deal damage while still on the ground. Fixed an issue where the Area of effect damage of this ability will sometimes miss targets that are in the air but within the hit area. Fixed an issue where quickly turning the camera while using this ability would cause the hit area and the FX to be de-synced, leading to situations where the player does not look like they should hit an enemy, but they do. Note: On researching the solution for this issue we were also able to successfully apply the same fix to Ra and Searing Pain. Now the FX and the damage area for this ability should match up when quickly moving the camera. Added new FX to this ability to clearly portray the area of effect of damage when Ne Zha reaches a target. This applies to all skins. Adjusted the bounding area of the UI elements in this ability so that they will no longer have the chance to be hidden behind Ne Zha's passive meter UI. Fixed an issue where Ne Zha was able to slide passed an enemy instead of correctly latching onto them. Fixed an issue with the FX for this ability where the last few feet of the targeter were raised in a slope. This caused perspective issues, making it feel like the ability targeter was longer than intended. SMITE Version 6. 4. 5372. 6 (April 2, 2019) Decreased Protection Debuff from 15 to 10/11/12/13/14. Added a note that enemies caught in this effect do NOT count as being CC. Decreased Base Damage per hit from 40/60/80/100/120 to 30/50/70/90/110 Decreased Initial/Landing. Damage from 80/130/180/230/280 to 50/105/160/215/270. SMITE Version 5. 16. 4960. 4 (September 4, 2018) Righteous Spirit This ability no longer provides Physical Power per stack. (decreased from 0. 5 tp 0 per stack) SMITE Version 5. 15. 4934 (August 20, 2018) Decreased Base Power from 1 per stack to 0. 5 per stack. Fixed an issue where players could be teleported across the maps after being ulted by Ne Zha. SMITE Version 5. 13. 4890 (July 24, 2018) Buff stacks no longer provide Critical Strike Chance. Buff stacks now provide 0. 5% Movement Speed and 1 Physical Power per Stack, stacking up to 20 times. SMITE Version 5. 12. 4860 (July 9, 2018) Ne Zha's Armillary Sash will no longer go on cooldown if interrupted before it has any gameplay effect. SMITE Version 5. 10. 4812 (June 12, 2018) Fixed an issue where the target hit by this ultimate could move side to side when landing. SMITE Version 5. 6. 4707. 1 (April 11, 2018) Removed the damaging hit as the enemy god begins to fall. Increased Initial and Landing damage from 60/100/140/180/220 (50% of your physical power) to 80/130/180/230/280 (65% of your physical power). Ne Zha and the player he has grabbed are now damageable upon landing. Rather than losing their collision, they gain player pass through and Ne Zha gains CC immunity for the duration of their landing animations. SMITE Version 4. 4202 (July 18, 2017) Enemy players hit by Wind Fire Wheels now have additional. 25 seconds after the hit to use Purification Beads, and avoid the Ability. This matches the current animation more accurately. Enemy players hit by Ne Zha will NOT be able to fire beads on their way up into the air. If you miss the window to escape you will have your beads protected to be used later. SMITE Version 4. 4031. 1 (April 25, 2017) Increased number of bounces from 3/4/5/6/7 → 4/5/6/7/8. SMITE Version 4. 3956 (March 14, 2017) Updated the description to accurately state how much damage this Ability deals. w SMITE Version 4. 1. 3882 (February 1, 2017) Increased Cooldown from 12s → 14s. Decreased Cooldown from 18s → 18/17/16/15/14s. Decreased Cooldown from 18/17/16/15/14s → 14s at all ranks. SMITE Version 3. 25. 3847 (January 10, 2017) Fixed an issue where this ability would consume no mana if used in Melee range. SMITE Version 3. 18. 3651 (September 27, 2016) Updated the visual presentation of the “Critical” circles. SMITE Version 3. 14. 3547. 1 (August 2, 2016) General Updated his passive meter to include a combat timer. SMITE Version 3. 3494 (July 6, 2016) New Passive – Righteous Spirit Ne Zha gains stacks from successful Basic Attack and ability hit, and 2x stacks from Critical Hits. Each stack provides him with. 5% crit chance. Stacks are lost after being out of combat for 5s. Now heals up to 15% of Ne Zha's maximum HP depending on how many stacks of Righteous Spirit he has. (0. 75% HP per stack). SMITE Version 2. 20. 3140 (December 23, 2015) Fixed Ne Zha Ultimate background fx persisting on gods. SMITE Version 2. 3137 (December 15, 2015) Ne Zha received a complete visual overhaul. SMITE Version 2. 11. 2891. 1 (August 4, 2015) Fixed being able to go inside towers after using on target. SMITE Version 2. 2833. 1 (June 30, 2015) Fixed a visual issue with the timer on the icon stacking. SMITE Version 2. 2806 (June 16, 2015) Immortal Spirit Immortal Spirit has been reworked into Righteous Spirit. Ne Zha gains a stack when he hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, and an additional stack for Critical Strikes. He may activate Flaming Spear to consume these stacks and heal himself. Heals for 1. 25% per stack, max. 20. Fixed not dealing damage if hitting crowd control immune targets. Fixed an issue where using the ability on Janus while going through a portal could cause both players to get stuck. SMITE Version 2. 0. 2573. 3 (February 11, 2015) Fixed some black fx showing on the Diamond skin when using abilities. SMITE Version 1. 2476 (December 17, 2014) Tooptip updated. Now states that this ability can critically hit. SMITE Version 1. 2379. 3 (October 29, 2014) Fixed Clap emote. SMITE Version 1. 2268. 2 (August 19, 2014) Fixed an issue which caused his ring to be invisible to enemies that were out of sight when he threw it. Fixed a description error that indicated it did more damage than it does. SMITE Version 1. 2215. 6 (July 15, 2014) Fixed a bug that could leave him revealed to enemy players. SMITE Version 1. 2173 (June 12, 2014) Updated targeters for Cyberpunk skin. SMITE Beta Version 0. 2027. 1 (March 12, 2014) New loading screen card. Fixed a number of animation issues, including recall. SMITE Beta Version 0. 2015. 1 (March 5, 2014) This ability now inherits Ne Zha's critical hit chance and can critically hit when Ne Zha lands at his target location. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1988. 3 (February 19, 2014) Width of sash grab increased from 10 to 12. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1948 (January 29, 2014) Fixed an error in the tooltip. Now properly indicates this ability is a buff that affects only Ne Zha. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1918. 2 (January 8, 2014) Universal Ring Toss Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0. 5 to 0. 2. Fixed an issue where Ne Zha would slide to the target. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1888 (December 19, 2013) Fixed a major bug with Ne Zha's Ultimate. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1868. 3 (December 5, 2013) Ne Zha is now immune to root effects while dashing. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1831. 1 (November 7, 2013) New Passive - Immortal Spirit Ne Zha’s immortal spirit cannot be suppressed. All successful basic attack hits increase his HP5 (0. 5 per stack, up to 50 stacks). All stacks are lost on death. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1774 (October 9, 2013) The damage reduction for subsequent hits has been reduced from a 30% reduction to a 25% reduction. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1740 (September 25, 2013) This ability can now bounce to each target multiple times again. This ability now deals 30% reduced damage on each subsequent hit on the same target. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1738 (September 18, 2013) This ability no longer bounces to the same target twice. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1721 (September 5, 2013) Fixed an issue with his Ult where players could get caught on top of map walls. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1705 (August 27, 2013) Ground targeters have been customized SMITE Beta Version 0. 1640 (July 23, 2013) Fixed an issue with Armillary Sash and Fenrir Ragnarok interaction. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1616. 1 (July 10, 2013) Ne Zha's model has undergone modest visual improvements. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1594 (June 26, 2013) Increased bonus attack speed from 15/20/25/30/35% back to the original 15/25/35/45/55%. After further evaluation of his performance after the Attack Speed bug fix, we determined this earlier nerf was no longer needed. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1557. 2 (June 12, 2013) An issue has been fixed with Ne Zha’s escalating melee that was allowing him to achieve higher than intended attack speeds. This will reduce his mid to late game attack speed significantly. We will be monitoring him to see if further adjustments will be necessary to compensate for this change. NOTE - Thanks to Pinjinz from the forums for breaking down the issue, allowing us to easily track down the bug. The base damage of each hit of the combo during his ultimate has been increased from 30/50/70/80/110 per hit to 40/60/80/100/120. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1556 (June 5, 2013) Reduced bonus attack speed from 15/25/35/45/55% to 15/20/25/30/35% SMITE Beta Version 0. 1543 (May 30, 2013) Duration reduced from 6s for all ranks to 4/4. 5/6s SMITE Beta Version 0. 1520. 2 (May 23, 2013) The physical power contribution of this ability has been reduced from 150% to 100%. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1517 (May 15, 2013) Number of bounces decreased from 5/6/7/8/9 to 3/4/5/6/7 (-2 off all ranks - total number of hits is what's listed here +1 for the initial hit). Damage per hit increased from 50/70/90/110/130 to 75/100/125/150/175. Physical scaling increased from 15% to 20% per hit. Physical protection reduction per hit increased from 10 to 15. Move Speed buff for Ne Zha increased from 4% per stack to 5% per stack. Physical Scaling increased from 50% to 150%. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1490 (May 1, 2013) The description for this ability was incorrectly displaying a 150% contribution. It has been corrected to 50% to match the actual contribution in the game. SMITE Beta Version 0. 1467 (April 17, 2013) Ne Zha has been added to the game. Replaced abilities [ edit | edit source] Passive - Child of the Lotus When Ne Zha dies, his indomitable spirit is reborn from a Lotus at his location, healing nearby allies every second and increasing their protections. Ne Zha's basic attacks also utilize a four swing chain with escalating damage and swing time, hitting all enemies in front of him on the final blow. Notes: Heal per Tick: 10% of Ne Zha's maximum health Protections: 30 Duration: 6s Chain: 1/1/1. 5/2x damage and swing time Ability Type: Area Radius: 30 Passive - Immortal Spirit Ne Zha's immortal spirit cannot be suppressed. All successful basic attack hits increase his HP5 (stacking). All stacks are lost on death. HP5: 0. 5 per stack Max Stacks: 50 Ne Zha gains a stack when he hits an enemy with a basic attack, and an additional stack for critical strikes. He may activate Flaming Spear to consume these stacks and heal himself. Notes: At max stacks, Ne Zha's passive will heal him for 25% of his maximum health. Percent Healing: 1. 25% per stack Ne Zha's spirit is strengthened as he successfully hits enemies with abilities and basic attacks. Stacks remain until Ne Zha is out of combat for 5s. Notes: Grants 10% Critical Strike Chance at max stacks. Critical Strike Chance Per Stack:. 5% Ability Type: Buff.

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